100% Placement Assistance – Learn Full Stack Java and win job opportunities in no time!
o Abstraction
o Encapsulation
o Polymorphism
o Inheritance
o String Basics
o String Methods
o String Buffer
o String Builder
o Collection Basics
o Iterator Interface
o Methods of Collection Interface
o List
o Set
o 3. Map
o Comparable Interface
o Comparator Interface
o Collections class
o Differentiate Comparable and Comparator
o File Handling Basics
o Create Folder
o Create File- .txt. .pdf, .xlsx, .docs, etc
o Write File
o Read File
o Delete File
o Concept, Lifecycle
o Extends Thread
o Implement Runnable Interface
o Thread Priorities
o Thread Methods
o Synchronization
o Object Locking
o Inter Thread Communication
o Lambda Expression
o Functional Interface
o Default Method in Interface
o Static Method in Interface
o Method References
o Date Time API
o Stream API
o Collectors
o For each Loop
o String Joiner Class
o Parallel Sort
o Optional Class
o • Inner Join
o • Left Outer Join
o • Right Outer Join
o • Full Outer Join
o Servlet-Browser communication
o Web-component Communication
o Servlet-Applet Communication
o HttpSession
o Cookies
o URL-Rewriting
o Hidden-Form Fields
o page
o include
o taglib
o declaratives
o scriptlets
o expressions
o Standard Actions
o Custom Actions
o One to One Mapping
o One to ManyMapping
o Many to OneMapping
o Many to ManyMapping
o Spring Framework Introduction
o Spring Basics
o Inversion of Control
o Dependency Injection
o Beans Scope
o Singleton
o Prototype
o Request
o Session
o Global-Session
o Auto wiring
o Spring Annotations
o Spring MVC Basics
o Spring MVC Annotations
o Spring MVC Hello World Application
o Spring MVC Restful Web Services Basics
o Spring MVC without Maven
o Apache Maven Basics
o Spring MVC with Maven
o Spring MVC Application Deployment
o Spring MVC Application Deployment with Loggers
o Spring MVC WAR File Creation and Deployment Steps
o Spring MVC, Hibernate, Mysql, Apache Maven, Apache Tomcat-
o Java, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Algorithm, Hibernate, Maven,
o Spring SecurityBasics
o Spring Security Features
o Spring Security Authentication
o Spring SecurityEncryption
o Password Encryption by using SpringSecurity
o Spring Security Login Form
o Spring Security Authentication
o Spring Security Maven Dependency
o Spring Security CRUD- Signup and Login Application
o Spring Security OAuth2 RealTime Implementation
o Spring Boot End Points Security
o Spring Boot, Spring Security- Restful Web Services with Advanced
o Single Sign-On with Spring Boot & Okta | OAuth 2.0
o Spring Boot Introduction
o Spring Boot Basics
o Why Spring Boot
o Spring Boot Features
o Main Goal of Spring Boot
o Creating Project- Spring Initializer
o Spring Boot Hello World Application
o Spring Boot Annotations
o Spring Boot Devtool Dependency- Without Restart application will see changes
on browser
o Spring Boot Actuator
o Spring Boot Build Systems
o Spring Boot Code Structure
o Spring Boot Runners
o Spring Boot Tomcat Custom Port Number
o Spring Boot with RESTFul Service
o Spring Boot with Logger
o Deploy Spring Boot Applications on External Tomcat Server
o Spring Boot – Common Application Properties (application.properties)
o Spring Boot, Hibernate with RESTFul Web Service
o Spring Boot, Spring Data with RESTFul Web Service
o Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD Application
o Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD Application
o Spring Boot, Spring- JDBCTemplate CRUD
o Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Project Lombok CRUD Application
o Spring Boot with XML Payload using PostmanAPI
o Spring Boot with JSON Payload using PostmanAPI
o Spring Boot Global Custom Validations
o Spring Boot Global Custom Exception Handling
o Spring Boot Code Debug Practices
o Spring Boot Application connectivity with Multiple Databases
o Spring Boot CORS Support
o Java QR Code Generator Basics
o Spring Boot QR Code Generator Hands on Session
o Spring Boot QR Code Reader Hands on Session
o Spring Boot Advanced Research and Development with latest release
o Spring Data JPA Basics
o Spring Data JPA Introduction
o Spring Data JPA Architecture
o Spring Data JPA application.propertiesfile
o JPA Repository
o CRUD Repository
o Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using PostmanAPI
o Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Project Lombok CRUD using Postman API Hands
on Session
o What is Unit testing
o What is JUnit
o JUnit Rules
o JUnit Arithmetic Application Example
o Mockito Introduction
o Mockito Annotations
o Mockito Setup
o What is Mocking
o Need for mocking
o Methods of Mockito
o Mockito mock() method
o Mockito when() method
o Mockito verify() method
o Mockito doNothing() method
o Mockito times() method
o PowerMock
o JUnit Mockito Hibernate CRUD
o JUnit Mockito JPA CRUD
o JUnit Mockito JDBCTemplate CRUD
o Spring JDBCTemplate Introduction
o RowMapper
o Builder
o Spring Boot, JDBCTemplate using Postman API Hands on Session
o Industrial Practices for Spring Boot JDBCTemplate
o Spring Boot JDBCTemplate CRUD Application
o Spring Boot JDBCTemplate SignUp | SignIn Application
o Real Time Signup and Signin Application using JDBCTemplate
o Advanced Research and Development for JDBCTemplate using Spring Boot
o SOAP Web Service
o RESTful Web Service
1. Mock interview
2. Interview Preparation
3. Resume Preparation
4. Placement Assistance
Enable participants to develop a complete Java application from the scratch that includes Front-end, Backend and Data-exchange technologies.
Hands-on-oriented sessions blended with elegant explanations of core concepts, simple and relevant examples help candidates to learn faster and start developing projects and applications.
This course connects the academic and industry by bridging the gaps for the student communities.
Acts as an enabler to the working professionals to boost up their careers.
This course will help candidates fill the programming skill gaps; build the flow and competence that is expected by job markets and industries.
Build strong foundations (ex: OOPS) in entry level engineers thereby making them job ready as per industry requirements. Enable them to learn new technologies by applying foundation paradigms
By the end of the program participants will be become an industry-ready engineer who can be readily deployed in a project
Our flexible and dedicated support teams help candidates to never stop learning and practicing by getting their doubts clarified in shorter response timelines and making them quickly move on further.
Regression Analysis
Regularization – introduction
K-NN classification
Naïve Bayesian classifiers
SVM – (Support Vector Machines)
Decision Tree
Association Rule Mining
Model Selection
Hyper parameter tuning
Time series modeling
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
Ensemble Techniques
Working with imbalanced data
Explainable ML
Deploy your model